Grameen Bank’s internship aims to educate and involve bright young minds from all over the world in the field of the Grameen model of microfinance.
Why internship at Grameen Bank?
Grameen Bank internship program is open, flexible and ideal for students to understand organizational characters, its structure, operation methods, marketing aspects, collateral fee banking, women empowerment and poverty reduction philosophy.
Getting internship at Grameen Bank enables you to get involved in the following activities:
A chance to work as well as gaining cultural competency and learning from people with different nationalities and diverse cultural backgrounds.
Grameen kind of microfinance is a unique method of banking system. By different lecture sessions, interns get the opportunity to understand the method and learn the total impact on society.
(C) Job Experience
By joining the internship programme, interns get the opportunity to contribute to office activities of Grameen Bank, enabling them to learn about day-to-day office tasks.
There will also be the chance to meet different Microfinance Institute (MFI) practitioners and replicators.
The most interesting and unique part of the internship is the field visit in rural areas, which is shared directly with the borrowers.
Program Duration
This can be from three weeks up to three months.
Kind of Internship
It is an unpaid internship focused on assigned works and studying Grameen type of microfinance.
English. For other languages, interns can hire interpreters.
Grameen Internship is unpaid and all other costs (travel, accommodation, food and miscellaneous) need to be covered by the interns themselves. Grameen Bank does not provide any financial support or assistance.
Work Description/ Internship Context:
Educational Requirements:
Application Instructions
International students
Bangladeshi students
A proper application (CGP 2.5 and above) should include your resume, a recommendation letter from your University (For Bangladeshi University) and the Internship application form (which is available hard copy and soft copy).
Internship Program Schedule/Itinerary
*This schedule is purely an outline and should not necessarily dictate the intern schedule. It is merely an aid to guide the intern in obtaining a well-rounded experience at Grameen Bank
Part: One
Application Process
Part: Two
25 sessions and Field Program
Day- 01: Welcome reception, introducing, registration, briefing, video watching and discussion on program.
Session-1: PPT presentation on GB.
Day- 02: Session-2: PPT on GB Operational Procedure with discussion.
Session-3: Book study. (Jorimon & Others, Participation as process and procession as growth.)
Day- 03: Session-4: PPT on GB Loan Products, its impact and discussion.
Case Study and Voluntary Work for department.
Day- 04: Session-5: PPT on GB Savings Products. Discussion of its impact.
Session-6: Video watching.
Day- 05: Session-7: PPT on GB Marketing Policy with a discussion.
Session-8: PPT on GB Default Management with a discussion.
Case Study and Voluntary Work for department.
Day- 06: Session-9: PPT on GB Special Program with a discussion.
Day- 07: Session-10: PPT on GB Human resource policy.
Book Study and Voluntary Work for department.
Day- 08: Session-11: PPT on GB replication at home and abroad.
Session-12: Visit Grameen Health Care Centre & Training Centre.
Day- 09: Session-13: PPT on GB Socio-Economic Development Program (18 Decisions and 12 Indicator).
Book Study and Voluntary Work for department.
Day- 10: Session-14: Discuss and Briefing for Overnight Stay Field visit. Arrange logistics.
Day- 11-15: Session-15: Field visit and Overnight Stay for 5 days.
Day- 16: Session-16: Post field visit review.
Session-1:7 Group discussion, findings and presentation.
Day- 17: Session-18: Urban microfinance project visit.
Session-19: Project proposal form practice.
Day- 18: Session-20: Feasibility study, budget and planning practice.
Session-21: Departmental meeting.
Day- 19: Session-22: Workshop on etiquette, table manner, meeting manner, corporate culture, dinner etiquette, presentation etiquette.
Session-22: Departmental meeting.
Day- 20: Session-24: Workshop and group presentation.
Part: Three
Final Day Deliverables
Day- 21: Session-25: Final Review
N.B: If interns would like to stay for more weeks then both we discuss and plan for works as their needs. This time they also work for the department as a volunteer.