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Opening Hours
  • Monday - Friday
    9.00 - 20.00
  • Saturday
    10.00 - 16.00
  • Sunday
    9.30 - 18.00

Copyright ©2017 ThemeMascot

Training Cost

The following cost is tentative and subject to change. Updated costs shall be provided to participants as necessary and on time. These costs do not include personal expenses.


Grameen Bank charges US$ 300 for the Basic Training program. In addition, trainees should pay for all their costs like food, accommodation, transportation, interpreter, etc.


For internship, a fee of US$75 for the undergraduate student, and US$ 80 for the graduate student or equivalent Bangladeshi taka should be paid in cash for a one-month long duration. If it is more than a month, a fee of US$ 100 for undergraduate & graduate students or equivalent Bangladeshi taka should be paid in cash. In addition, interns should pay for all their costs like food, accommodation, transportation, interpreter (if necessary), etc.

For researchers, Grameen Bank charges US$350, and researchers should pay for all their costs like food, accommodation, transportation, interpreter (if necessary), etc.