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    9.00 - 20.00
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    10.00 - 16.00
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loan Product Details

Young Entrepreneur Loan



  • Grameen Bank offers Young Entrepreneur loans to the children of the members who are educated, enterprising, industrious, and willing to become entrepreneurs by creating self-employment to get rid of the curse of unemployment.
  • The motto of this loan is "We are not job seekers; we are employers and we shall create jobs for others" which will play an important role in the national economy by creating self-employment.
  • Students who have already accomplished their studies or are applying for a job are eligible for availing of this loan facility to build a self-employment base by following the rules and regulations of Grameen Bank.
  • The limit of this loan depends on the specific purpose and project proposal but the entrepreneur must have experience with the business or project for which the loan will be applied for.
  • The term of this loan is usually 2 years. The term of the loan may be extended in some cases considering the size, nature, production criteria, and income of the project.